Year 12: Miss Crowe
Population Change
Key terms: Please check your sheets and complete accurately :) I will scan the vital rates sheet tonight and put it on here for revision.
Annual population growth rate: The rate at which a
population is increasing owing to natural increase and migration, i.e. BR-DR
Census: A questionnaire every 10 years to find out the
population characteristics of a country.
Crude birth rate: The number of live births per 1000
population in one year.
Crude death rate: The number of deaths per 1000 population
in one year.
Demographic Transition Model: A model showing the stages of
growth of a country’s population.
Population density: The number of people per unit area, e.g.
per square Km
Infant mortality rates: The number of deaths per 1000
children under 1 year old in a country per year.
Life expectancy: The average number of years a person is
expected to live.
Migration: The permanent or semi-permanent change of
residence of an individual or group of people.
Natural increase: The increase (or decrease) in a population
found by the birth rate minus the death rate and normally expressed as a
Population policies: Plans and laws passed by governments to
help either to increase or decrease a country’s population.
Population Pyramid : A graph to show the population
structure or age-sex composition.
Population structure: The make-up of a population of an
area, usually in the form of age and sex composition of a country, region or city.
Pull factors: Factors which attract a person to a place
Push factors: Factors which force a person away from a
Refugee: A person forced to move from one country to
another, often as a result of war or famine.
Immigration: The movement of people in to a country.
Emigration: The movement of people out of a country.
Immigrant: A person who is coming into a new country.
Emigrant: A person who is leaving their country.
Population Change: The annual population change of an area
is the cumulative change in the size of a population after both natural change
and migration have been taken into account.
Fertility rate: The number of live births per 1000 women
aged 15-49 in 1 year. It is also defined as the average number of children each
woman in a population will bear.
Net Migration: The difference between the numbers of
in-migrants and out-migrants in an area.
Forced migration: When a migrant has to move because of the
circumstances in his or her home country.
International migration: The UN defines this as the movement
of people across national frontiers, for a minimum of one year.
Rural-urban and urban-rural migration: In developing
countries, the net migration gain of urban areas at the expense of rural areas
results in urbanization. In more developed countries, movements from urban to
rural areas have led to counter-urbanisation.
Voluntary migration: The migrant makes the decision to
The growth of world population
The population of an area alters as a consequence of both natural change and migration. The annual population change of an area is the cumulative change in the size of a population after both natural change and migration have been taken into account. In 1999, the world's population reached 6 billion. It has grown rapidly in the last 200 years particularly since 1950. Natural increase peaked at 2.2% globally in the 1960s. Since then, falling birth rates have reduced this increase to 1.2%. However, the global population is still expanding by 80 million every year. Estimates suggest that by 2050 the global population will be 9 billion, with zero growth occurring only towards the end of the century.
The growth in the world population has not taken place evenly. The populations of some continents have grown and continue to grow at faster rates than others, Europe, North America and Australasia have very low growth rates, In 1995, their share of the world's population was 20%. This is expected to fall to 12% by 2050. It is estimated that Europe's population will shrink to 90 million during this period.
Asia has a rapid, but declining, rate of population growth. Between 1995 and 2050, China, India and Pakistan will contribute most to world population growth. Indeed, it is estimated that by 2050 India will overtake China as the world's most populous country. Another potential area for growth is sub-Saharan Africa, particularly Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The growth in the world population has not taken place evenly. The populations of some continents have grown and continue to grow at faster rates than others, Europe, North America and Australasia have very low growth rates, In 1995, their share of the world's population was 20%. This is expected to fall to 12% by 2050. It is estimated that Europe's population will shrink to 90 million during this period.
Asia has a rapid, but declining, rate of population growth. Between 1995 and 2050, China, India and Pakistan will contribute most to world population growth. Indeed, it is estimated that by 2050 India will overtake China as the world's most populous country. Another potential area for growth is sub-Saharan Africa, particularly Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Graph of global population growth
Causes of population growth
Several different factors interrelate to cause the growth in the world’s population:
· Health –the control of disease, birth control measures, infant mortality rates, diet and malnutrition, the numbers of doctors and nurses, sexual health, sanitation
· Education– health education, the age at which compulsory schooling finishes, females in education, levels of tertiary education and literacy levels
· Social provision – levels of care for the elderly, availability of radio and other forms of media, clean water supply
· Cultural factors – religious attitudes to birth control, status gain from having children, the role of women in society, sexual morality
· Political factors – taxation to support services, strength of the economy, impact of war and conflicts, access to healthcare and contraception
· Environmental factors – frequency of hazards, environmental conditions that breed disease
· Health –the control of disease, birth control measures, infant mortality rates, diet and malnutrition, the numbers of doctors and nurses, sexual health, sanitation
· Education– health education, the age at which compulsory schooling finishes, females in education, levels of tertiary education and literacy levels
· Social provision – levels of care for the elderly, availability of radio and other forms of media, clean water supply
· Cultural factors – religious attitudes to birth control, status gain from having children, the role of women in society, sexual morality
· Political factors – taxation to support services, strength of the economy, impact of war and conflicts, access to healthcare and contraception
· Environmental factors – frequency of hazards, environmental conditions that breed disease
Other bits and bobs
Birth rate, death rate and natural change
Birth rate: the number of babies born per 1,000 people per year. Can be as high as 50 per 1000 per year but the availability of birth control means that such high birth rates are now rare.
Death rate: the number of deaths per 1,000 people. Normally death rates lie between 5 per 1,000 per year and 20 per 1,000 per year. This can increase significantly if there is an epidemic, famine or war.
Two factors affect the level of the death rate:
· health care has improved in poorer countries, lowering death rate
· having so many people under the age of 15 reduces the chance of death
Natural change: this is the difference between birth and death rates in a country. It is a useful measure of a population's growth or decline.
Natural increase: this is when the birth rate exceeds the death rate. This has been the case recently except in periods of famine, war or epidemic. Some countries have reduced their birth rates and this has led to a natural decrease where the death rate exceeds the birth rate.
Life expectancy: the number of years a person is expected to live, usually taken from birth.
Birth rate: the number of babies born per 1,000 people per year. Can be as high as 50 per 1000 per year but the availability of birth control means that such high birth rates are now rare.
Death rate: the number of deaths per 1,000 people. Normally death rates lie between 5 per 1,000 per year and 20 per 1,000 per year. This can increase significantly if there is an epidemic, famine or war.
Two factors affect the level of the death rate:
· health care has improved in poorer countries, lowering death rate
· having so many people under the age of 15 reduces the chance of death
Natural change: this is the difference between birth and death rates in a country. It is a useful measure of a population's growth or decline.
Natural increase: this is when the birth rate exceeds the death rate. This has been the case recently except in periods of famine, war or epidemic. Some countries have reduced their birth rates and this has led to a natural decrease where the death rate exceeds the birth rate.
Life expectancy: the number of years a person is expected to live, usually taken from birth.
Changes in population characteristics
In most parts of the world, fertility exceeds both mortality and migration. It is therefore the main determinant of population growth. Its importance has increased over time with the worldwide fall in mortality. Several African countries (e.g. Niger, Liberia, Mali) have very high birth rates of 50 and over per 1,000 per year. At the other end of the scale, Austria, Germany, Belarus, Bulgairs, Slovenia and Ukraine have birth rates of 9 and under per 1,000 per year. Why does fertility vary?
· The relationship with death rates can be important. Countries in sub-Saharan Arica have high birth rates that counter the high rates of infant mortality (often over 100 per 1,000 live births). One study of sub-Saharan Africa concluded that a woman have, on average, eight or nine children to be 95% certain of a surviving adult son. In contrast, in Europe, the average falls short of two children. Improvements in healthcare sanitation and diet have led to a drop in rates of child mortality and reduce the need for large numbers of children as forms of security for the future. The USA has some of the highest birth rates among the developed countries, with a total fertility rate of 2.0. Other developed countries have fertility rates lower than 2.0.
· The relationship with death rates can be important. Countries in sub-Saharan Arica have high birth rates that counter the high rates of infant mortality (often over 100 per 1,000 live births). One study of sub-Saharan Africa concluded that a woman have, on average, eight or nine children to be 95% certain of a surviving adult son. In contrast, in Europe, the average falls short of two children. Improvements in healthcare sanitation and diet have led to a drop in rates of child mortality and reduce the need for large numbers of children as forms of security for the future. The USA has some of the highest birth rates among the developed countries, with a total fertility rate of 2.0. Other developed countries have fertility rates lower than 2.0.
· In many parts of the world, tradition demands high rates of reproduction. Intense cultural expectations may override the wishes of women. One useful indicator of women’s ability to limit the number of children they have and of the prospect of future fertility decline, is their desire to cease child-bearing. In Vietnam, 92% of women who had two children said they did not wish to have any more children. In Nigeria, by contrast, the figure was only 4%. Fertility among women aged 15 to 19 presents a special concern, as these young women may lack the physical development, and social support needed and child-bearing may curtail a young woman’s education. In some countries, such as Chad, Bangladesh and Mozambique, more than one in four adolescent girls has given birth.
· Education for women, particularly female literacy, is a key to lower fertility. With education comes knowledge of birth control, more opportunities for employment and wider choices. Contraceptive use is becoming more widespread in developing countries, to help women avoid unwanted pregnancies and to lower birth rates. A clear prerequisite is the availability of modern contraception for couples with both the knowledge
and desire to use it. This objective have generally been achieved in much of Latin America and the Caribbean, but often falls short in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia and Oceania. For example, in Rwanda, only 10% of women practice a modern method of family planning while at least 70% do in Brazil. Obstacles such as the lack of funds and supplies, and the lack of comprehensive programmes to educate couples with their choices, are significant issues.
and desire to use it. This objective have generally been achieved in much of Latin America and the Caribbean, but often falls short in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia and Oceania. For example, in Rwanda, only 10% of women practice a modern method of family planning while at least 70% do in Brazil. Obstacles such as the lack of funds and supplies, and the lack of comprehensive programmes to educate couples with their choices, are significant issues.
Young age structures
These lead to developing countries far outplacing developed countries in population growth. Large proportions of youn people, as there are in Mali (48%) and Bolivia (39%), ensure future population growth even when births per woman decline. This is because the 'youth bulge' is about to move through the child-bearing years. Conversely, countries with smaller proportions of young, such as Poland (17%) and Japan (14%), face population decline even if births per women increase.
Social class
Social class is important. Fertility decreases from lower to higher classes or castes.
This is of major significance because both Islam and the Roman Catholic Church oppose the use of artificial birth control. However, adherence to religious doctrine tend to lessen with economic development. This is particularly well illustrated in Italy. Although it is the location of the Vatican - the home of the pope - the fertility rate in Italy is very low. This suggests that some form of artificial birth control is taking place.
Economic factors
These are important, particularly in less developed countries, where children are an economic asset. They are viewed as producers rather than consumers. In more developed countries, this is reversed. The length of time children spend in education makes them expensive, as does the cost of childcare if both parents work. In eastern Europe, economic uncertainty is a major factor in causing low fertility rates.
Political factors
There have been several cases in recent years of countries seeking to influence the rate of population growth. Such political influences have been either to increase the population (as in 1930s Germany and Japan, and more recently in Russia and Romania) or to decrease it (as in China, with its one-child policy.
Explosion or implosion?
There are over 6.5 billion people in the world. In the late 20th Century, the population was doubling every 30 years - this was described as the 'population explosion'. Various predictions have been made about future population growth. In 1996, one study by Earthscan estimated that the world's population would peak at around 10.6 billion in 2080 and then decline. The main reason for the slow down in population growth is that fertility rates are falling faster than had been expected.
Population growth in the less developed world
The fastest rates of population growth have bee in the less economically developed world. Consequently, the greatest falls in fertility rates are expected to take place there. The average rate in the less developed world (excluding China) is 1.8%. Except in Africa and the Middle East, where in almost 50 countries families of at least six children are the norm and the annual population growth is still over 2.3%, birth rates are now declining in less developed countries.
India is approaching China as the most populous country on Earth. Its population is over 1.2 billion and is expected to overtake that of China by 2050. This assumes an annual population growth of around 0.9% per year for India compared to 0.4% for China. In the southern states of India, such as Kerala and Tamil Nadu, where literacy rates are high, fertility rates have fallen sharply. However, in the impoverished Hindi belt in the north, traditional attitudes prevail, ensuring large numbers of children. Nevertheless, in India as a whole, fertility has dropped more than 50% in the last 30 years. Fertility rates are declining in a range of less developed countries from east Asia to the Caribbean, and throughout most of South America. Although traditional religious attitudes are usually seen as a barrier to low fertility, in the Islamic world fertility is now below replacement level, at fewer than 2.12 children per woman. Tunisia, Iran and Turkey are all now in the category. | Population growth in the more developed world
In the more economically developed world, population growth has been slow for several decades. In some countries, for example, Italy, Russia and Portugal, there has even been a small fall in the population- In Italy a population decrease of 4 million by 2020 is forecast. In the next 40 years, Germany could see its population drop by almost 20% and Japan by 25%. In Russia, President Utin has describe the country's natural decrease as a 'national crisis'.
The fertility required to maintain the population level is 2.12 children per woman. There are already over 50 nations with fertility rates at or below this level. The UN predicts that by 2016 there will be 88 nations in this category - the 'Under 2.1 club'. China is already a member of this 'club', although its population will not begin to decline until 2040 at the earliest. This is the time lag between reaching replacement-level fertility and actual population decline. Population growth in China will continue well into the 21st Century There are very low fertility rates in many east European countries, for example Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Latvia. Here economic collapse and uncertainty following the end of communist rule has made many women postpone or abandon having children. Conversely at 2.0 fertility in the USA is relatively high. Some writers suggest that this is because the American people are more religious and optimistic than those in most other rich nations, leading to a desire for more children. It is also thought that immigration will continue to be high in the USA. This gives a younger structure to the population, thereby increasing fertility. |
Some of the highest death rates are found in less developed countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Liberia, Niger Sierra Leone, Zambia and Zimbabwe all have death rates of 20 per 1,000 or more. However, some of the lowest mortality rates are also found in countries at the lower end of the development range, for example Kuwait (2 per 1,000), Bahrain (3 per 1,00) and Mexico (5 per 1,000). WHY DOES MORTALITY VARY?
· Infant mortality is a prime indicator of socioeconomic development. It is the most sensitive of the age-specific rates. Sierra Leone has an infant mortality rate of 163 per 1,000 live births. Infant mortality is falling across the world, but there are still wide variations between nations – 142 infant deaths per 1,000 births in Liberia, but only 3 per 1,000 in Finland. Areas with high rates of infant mortality have high rates of mortality overall.
· Areas with high levels of medical infrastructure have low levels of mortality. A lack of prenatal and postnatal care, a shortage of medical facilities and trained professionals, and ignorance of the need for professional care are major contributors to high rates of mortality.
· Life expectancy is higher in countries with higher levels of economic development. Poverty, poor nutrition and a lack of clean water and sanitation (all associated with low
levels of economic development) increase mortality rates. Worldwide, only 58% of the population has access to one of life’s fundamental needs: adequate or improved sanitation facilities. There are however, wide regional and rural/urban disparities. In developing countries, one ¼ to ½ of all rural residents have access to improved sanitation. In many parts of the world, rural populations also lack access to safe drinking water.
· The incidence of AIDS is having a major effect on mortality, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. The number of people in the world now living with AIDS/HIV is over 40 million, with over 25 million in sub-Saharan Africa. In some countries in southern Africa (Swaziland, Botswana, Lesotho and Zimbabwe), over 20% of the total population is affected. Out of the 7 million HIV/AIDS suffers in south and south-east Asia, over 5 million live in India. It is estimated, however. that infection rates have begun to decline in countries
· Around the world, mortality has fallen steadily because of medical advances. People are more willing to control mortality than they are to control fertility
· Infant mortality is a prime indicator of socioeconomic development. It is the most sensitive of the age-specific rates. Sierra Leone has an infant mortality rate of 163 per 1,000 live births. Infant mortality is falling across the world, but there are still wide variations between nations – 142 infant deaths per 1,000 births in Liberia, but only 3 per 1,000 in Finland. Areas with high rates of infant mortality have high rates of mortality overall.
· Areas with high levels of medical infrastructure have low levels of mortality. A lack of prenatal and postnatal care, a shortage of medical facilities and trained professionals, and ignorance of the need for professional care are major contributors to high rates of mortality.
· Life expectancy is higher in countries with higher levels of economic development. Poverty, poor nutrition and a lack of clean water and sanitation (all associated with low
levels of economic development) increase mortality rates. Worldwide, only 58% of the population has access to one of life’s fundamental needs: adequate or improved sanitation facilities. There are however, wide regional and rural/urban disparities. In developing countries, one ¼ to ½ of all rural residents have access to improved sanitation. In many parts of the world, rural populations also lack access to safe drinking water.
· The incidence of AIDS is having a major effect on mortality, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. The number of people in the world now living with AIDS/HIV is over 40 million, with over 25 million in sub-Saharan Africa. In some countries in southern Africa (Swaziland, Botswana, Lesotho and Zimbabwe), over 20% of the total population is affected. Out of the 7 million HIV/AIDS suffers in south and south-east Asia, over 5 million live in India. It is estimated, however. that infection rates have begun to decline in countries
· Around the world, mortality has fallen steadily because of medical advances. People are more willing to control mortality than they are to control fertility
The demographic transition model (DTM)
The Demographic Transition Model (DTM) · The demographic transition model describes what has happened to birth and death rates in MEDC's since 1800 and is based on the UK. It has five stages.
· Not all countries go through the five stages as is the case with many LEDC's.
· Most countries can be allocated to a stage of the model and this can also indicate the countries state of development.
· As well as economic development, other important influences affecting population growth include social, religious, political and environmental factors.
Stage 1 · High birth rates and high death rates, so lo natural increase and little population growth. Very few, if any populations are in stage 1 now – rainforest tribes
Stage 2
· High Birth rates but as death rates fall population grows rapidly -
Main reasons -
· No birth control
· High infant death rates
· More children to work on farms
· Religious beliefs
· Improved medical care
· More vaccinations, hospitals etc
· Cleaner water supplies/sewage
· Improved Food supplies
Stage 3
· Lower death rates and the birth rates start to fall. The population growth rate starts to slow down. The birth rate starts to fall because of family planning, improved medical care and women marrying later.
Stage 4
· Low birth and death rates. A low natural increase and steady population. Most MEDC's are at this stage
Stage 5
· The birth rate falls below the death rate and the population decreases. Countries such as Spain, Italy, Japan and Britain are in this stage.
· Not all countries go through the five stages as is the case with many LEDC's.
· Most countries can be allocated to a stage of the model and this can also indicate the countries state of development.
· As well as economic development, other important influences affecting population growth include social, religious, political and environmental factors.
Stage 1 · High birth rates and high death rates, so lo natural increase and little population growth. Very few, if any populations are in stage 1 now – rainforest tribes
Stage 2
· High Birth rates but as death rates fall population grows rapidly -
Main reasons -
· No birth control
· High infant death rates
· More children to work on farms
· Religious beliefs
· Improved medical care
· More vaccinations, hospitals etc
· Cleaner water supplies/sewage
· Improved Food supplies
Stage 3
· Lower death rates and the birth rates start to fall. The population growth rate starts to slow down. The birth rate starts to fall because of family planning, improved medical care and women marrying later.
Stage 4
· Low birth and death rates. A low natural increase and steady population. Most MEDC's are at this stage
Stage 5
· The birth rate falls below the death rate and the population decreases. Countries such as Spain, Italy, Japan and Britain are in this stage.
What is migration?
The relationship between the numbers of births and deaths (natural change) is not the only factor in population change. The balance between immigration and emigration (net migration) must also be taken into accont, The relative contributions of natural change and net migration can vary both within a particular country and between groups of countries. Migration tends to be subject to distance-decay - the number of migrants declines as the distance between origin and destination increases. Refugees tend to move only short distances; economic migrants travel greater distances.
Types of migration - scale (international, regional, local), direction (rural-urban, LEDC to MEDC), distance (long, short, regional), Decision making (forced - from hazards or for political safety - refugees, voluntary - work, retirement), Cause of movement (economic, social, environmental)
Types of migration - scale (international, regional, local), direction (rural-urban, LEDC to MEDC), distance (long, short, regional), Decision making (forced - from hazards or for political safety - refugees, voluntary - work, retirement), Cause of movement (economic, social, environmental)
Causes of migration
Migration is more volatile than fertility and mortality. it is affected by changing physical, economic, social, cultural and political circumstances. However, the wish to migrate may not be fulfilled if the constraints are too great. The desire to move within a country is generally inhibited only by economic and social factors. The desire to move to another country is usually constrained by political factors, such as immigration laws.
Examples of migration
The changing nature of international migration
International migrants make up about 3% of the world's population. Economic conditions, social and political tensions and historical traditions can influence a nation's level of migration. net migration rates can mask offsetting trendsm such as immigration of unskilled workers and emigration of more-educated residents.
Patterns of international migration have ben changing since the late 1980s. There have been increase in:
· Attempts at illegal, economically motivated migration as a response to legal restrictions
· Those seeking asylum
· Migration between more developed countries, particularly between countries within the EU where restrictions have been removed to allow the free movement of labour
· Short-term migration, as countries increasingly place limits on work permits. It is now common for more developed countries (e.g. the UK and USA) to limit the length of work permits, even for qualified migrants coming from other developed countries
· Movement of migrants between less developed countries, particularly to those where rapid economic development is taking place, for example the countries of the Persian Gulf and the Asian economic growth areas of Singapore and Indonesia
There has been a decline in:
· Legal, long-life migration, particularly from less to more developed countries. Host countries provide fewer opportunities for migrants because the number of available
low-skilled jobs has dropped. Many host countries have also tightened entry requirements and introduced more rigorous monitoring at the point of entry
· The number of people who migrate for life. Man newer migrants want to return home at some point. For example, a common feature of villages in Italy, Portugal and Greece is new hosing built new returnees
· The number of people migrating with the purpose of reuniting family members, as the amount of long-term family separation reduces and many migrants eventually return
Patterns of international migration have ben changing since the late 1980s. There have been increase in:
· Attempts at illegal, economically motivated migration as a response to legal restrictions
· Those seeking asylum
· Migration between more developed countries, particularly between countries within the EU where restrictions have been removed to allow the free movement of labour
· Short-term migration, as countries increasingly place limits on work permits. It is now common for more developed countries (e.g. the UK and USA) to limit the length of work permits, even for qualified migrants coming from other developed countries
· Movement of migrants between less developed countries, particularly to those where rapid economic development is taking place, for example the countries of the Persian Gulf and the Asian economic growth areas of Singapore and Indonesia
There has been a decline in:
· Legal, long-life migration, particularly from less to more developed countries. Host countries provide fewer opportunities for migrants because the number of available
low-skilled jobs has dropped. Many host countries have also tightened entry requirements and introduced more rigorous monitoring at the point of entry
· The number of people who migrate for life. Man newer migrants want to return home at some point. For example, a common feature of villages in Italy, Portugal and Greece is new hosing built new returnees
· The number of people migrating with the purpose of reuniting family members, as the amount of long-term family separation reduces and many migrants eventually return
Refugees are defined by the UN as persons unable or unwilling to return to their homeland for fear of persecution, based on reasons of race, religion, ethnicity or political opinion, or those who have been displaced forcibly by other factors.
By 2003, the UN estimated that there were over 22 million refugees in the world. Many refugees movements are large-volume, non-selective and over short distances. They are often caused by war. Such migrations are often temporary - when the cause of the migration ends, the refugees return to their former homes. At the end of the 20th Century and the beginning of the 21st, major movements have include:
· 2 million from Ethiopia, Sudan and Somalia as a result of famine and civil war
· 6 million from Mozambique as a result of famine, civil war and flooding
· 1 million Kurds from northern Iraq fleeing oppression
· 1 million Afghans into neighbouring Pakistan fleeing civil strife and war
· 100,000 Tamils fleeing oppression and civil war in Sri Lanka
· 7,000 residents of Montserrat fleeing a volcanic eruption in the Soufriere Hills
By 2003, the UN estimated that there were over 22 million refugees in the world. Many refugees movements are large-volume, non-selective and over short distances. They are often caused by war. Such migrations are often temporary - when the cause of the migration ends, the refugees return to their former homes. At the end of the 20th Century and the beginning of the 21st, major movements have include:
· 2 million from Ethiopia, Sudan and Somalia as a result of famine and civil war
· 6 million from Mozambique as a result of famine, civil war and flooding
· 1 million Kurds from northern Iraq fleeing oppression
· 1 million Afghans into neighbouring Pakistan fleeing civil strife and war
· 100,000 Tamils fleeing oppression and civil war in Sri Lanka
· 7,000 residents of Montserrat fleeing a volcanic eruption in the Soufriere Hills
Asylum seekers
One definition of asylum is 'the formal application by a refugee to reside in a country when they arrive in that country'. The numbers seeking asylum have increased steadily in recent years as countries seek ti curtail immigration.
The prominence of asylum seeking has increased for the following reasons:
· Pressure to migrate from the poorest states is increasing because of economic decline and political instability
· Improved communications enable people to learn more about potential destinations
· In real terms, the cost of transport has declined
· More gangs of traffickers are preying on would-be migrants and offering a passage to a new life
It can be difficult to distinguish between those fleeing from threats to their life and liberty and those seeking to escape poverty and improve their quality of life.
The prominence of asylum seeking has increased for the following reasons:
· Pressure to migrate from the poorest states is increasing because of economic decline and political instability
· Improved communications enable people to learn more about potential destinations
· In real terms, the cost of transport has declined
· More gangs of traffickers are preying on would-be migrants and offering a passage to a new life
It can be difficult to distinguish between those fleeing from threats to their life and liberty and those seeking to escape poverty and improve their quality of life.
Social, economic and political effects of migration
Migration affects bot the area of origin and the area of destination. The effects of migration are social, economic and political.
Issues of economic migration: source country
Economic costs include:
· The loss of young adult labour force
· The loss of those with skills and entrepreneurial talents, which may slow economic development · Regions where-out migration takes place may suffer from a spiral decline that is difficult to halt · The loss of labour may deter inward investment by private organisation, increasing dependence on governmental initiatives | Economic benefits include:
· Reduced under-employment in the source country
· Returning migrants bring new skills to the country, which may help to revitalise the home economy · Many migrants send remittances home and much of this money is reinvested in the some economy in projects such as new buildings and services · There is less pressure on resources in the area, including basic supplies such as food essential services such as healthcare |
Social costs include:
· The perceived benefits of migration encourage more of the same generation to migrate, which has a
detrimental effect on social structure · There is a disproportionate number of females left behind · The non-return of migrants causes an imbalance in the population pyramid · Returning retired migrants may impose a social cost on the community if support mechanisms are not in place to cater for them | Social benefits include:
· The population density is reduced and the birth rate decreases , as t is the younger adults who
migrate · Remittances sent home by economic migrants can finance improved education and health facilities · Returning retired migrants increase social expectations in the community, for example, the demand for better leisure facilities | Political effects include:
· Policies to encourage natural increase
· Policies to encourage immigration to counteract outflow or to develop resources · Requests for international aid |
Issues of economic migration: destination country
Economic costs include:
· The costs of educating the migrants’ children have to be home
· There is an over-dependence of some industries on migrant labour, e.g. the construction in the UK · Much of the money earned, including pension payments, is repatriated to the country of origin · Increased numbers of people add to the pressure on resources, such as health services and education | Economic benefits include:
· Economic migrants tend to take up the less desirable jobs
· The host country gains skilled labour at reduced cost · The ‘skills gap’ that exists in many host countries is filled by qualified migrants · Costs of retirement are transferred back to the source country |
Social costs include:
· The dominance of males is reinforced, especially in countries where the status of women is low – for
example, in the Persian Gulf states · Aspects of cultural identity are lost, particularly among second-generation migrants · Segregated areas of similar ethnic groups are created, and schools are dominated by migrant children.
Basic skills
· annotation of illustrative material, base maps, sketch maps, OS maps, diagrams, graphs,
sketches, photographs etc · use of overlays · literacy skills. | Investigative skills
· identification of geographical questions and issues, and effective approaches to enquiry
· identification, selection and collection of quantitative and qualitative evidence from primary sources (including fieldwork) and secondary sources · processing, presentation, analysis and interpretation of evidence · drawing conclusions and showing an awareness of the validity of conclusions · evaluation · risk assessment and identification of strategies for minimising health and safety risks in undertaking fieldwork. | Cartographic skills
· atlas maps
· base maps · sketch maps · Ordnance Survey maps at a variety of scales · maps with located proportional symbols – squares, circles, semi-circles, bars · maps showing movement – flow lines, desire lines and trip lines · detailed town centre plans · choropleth, isoline and dot maps. In addition, to include at A2: · weather maps – including synoptic charts. |
Graphical skills
· line graphs – simple, comparative, compound and divergent
· bar graphs – simple, comparative, compound and divergent · scatter graphs – and use of best fit line · pie charts and proportional divided circles triangular graphs · kite and radial diagrams · logarithmic scales · dispersion diagrams | ICT skills
· use of remotely sensed data – photographs, digital images including those captured
by satellite · use of databases, e.g. census data, Environment Agency data; meteorological office data · use of geographical information systems (GIS) · presentation of text and graphical and cartographic images using ICT. | Statisical skills
· measures of central tendency – mean, mode, median
· measures of dispersion – inter-quartile range and standard deviation · Spearman’s rank correlation test · application of significance level in inferential statistical results. In addition, to include at A2: · comparative tests – Chi-squared, Mann Whitney U Test. |
Your fieldwork investigation
Below is the powerpoint we went through in class. You must learn what you did on the fieldwork. They can only ask you a limited number of questions. The only bits you need to add is the information on describing the methods you used, the justification of why you used the methods, the problems and suggestions to make the methods better and incorporoating some of the data you collected. You may be asked to talk about a,little bit of data you collected and then add it into you answers to back up your points!!!!
AS Unit 1 Exam Tips
15 mark questions
Read the question carefully
What is the COMMAND word (or words)?
What does this question want you to do?Structure
Short introduction (1 or 2 sentences maximum). Show the examiner you understand thequestion.
Define the key term in a sentence “population structure is…. The DTM is…”
Main body. Each paragraph should make a point. Make sure you have a range of paragraphs looking at one point of view/characteristics/opinion/side of the argumentetc, then a range of paragraphs considering the other view or other characteristics.Begin with your strongest argument or most important point.
Summary (usually 2-3 sentences maximum). Draw together the main arguments linkingback to the command word. Where appropriate
state the ‘final verdict’ or which view
you agree with. You could give your justified opinion.How to write each paragraph
POINT– State the point you are making e.g. “One advantage of hard engineering is that it can be very effective
” or “
The DTM is a very effective model for showing populationchanges of industrialised countries”
EVIDENCE –Refer to an example, case study or fact to support your argument. Youmust include specific information. Use this to back up the point you are making e.g.“The UK clearly fits stage 2 of the DTM where the death rate fell in the 1700s”
EXPLANATION –Explain how this supports the point you are making e.g. “…and the fact
that coastal erosion rates have significantly reduced at Mappleton demonstrate theeffectiveness
of rock armour and groynes as…”. Don’t be afraid to offer your opinion
where appropriate
LINK–Show the examiner you understand and can explain the point you’ve made e.g.“
...these examples show that hard engineering can be highly effective”(N.B.‘PEEL ’can all be done in less than 4 sentences; you don’t
always need a separatesentence for each section of ‘PEEL’)
Key terms
You’ve learnt them so use them! E.g. Rather than writing “lots of babies die herebecause health care is worse” write “
There is a high infant mortality rate here due to factors including access to vaccinations”
AS 15 Mark Questions
Rivers · Assess the relative importance of physical and human causes of river flooding
· ‘Soft engineering is a better river flood management strategy than hard engineering’. Discuss this view
· Channel characteristics such as cross profile, wetted perimeter, hydraulic radius, roughness and efficiency change downstream. Describe and explain how channel characteristics change downstream
· Compare and comment on the economic and social effects of flooding in tow contrasting areas of the world
· Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hard engineering as a flood management strategy
· Describe how and explain why fluvial (river) landforms change downstreamCold Environments · To what extent are more recent developments in cold environments (such as oil, fishing and tourism) sustainable
· To what extent is there conflict between development and sustainability in tundra areas
· Assess the role of meltwater erosion and deposition in the formation of fluvioglacial landforms
· Discuss how a balance may be found between protection and development in Antarctica
· Explain why many cold environments are fragile and how they can be cared for to ensure sustainability
· ‘Antarctica is a fragile wilderness; its use can never be sustainable’. Discuss this view.
· To what extent should cold environments be considered as fragile? How far does this affect their development?
Health · Discuss causes and consequences of periodic famine
· Discuss the impacts of one non-communicable disease
· Discuss issues associated with pharmaceutical transnational corporations regarding research, production and distribution of dugs
· With reference to a local case study, assess the relative importance of age, gender and wealth for the provision of health care
· Discuss the impact of obesity on people’s health and the strategies adopted t care for people with obesity
· ‘Transnational corporations have both negative and positive roles in world health’. Discuss this view.Population change · Examine how population structure changes at different stages of the demographic transition
· Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the demographic transition model
· “For better and for worse?” Discuss how population change can affect the character of rural and urban areas
· Comment on the impact of different population structures on the balance between population and resources
· For any two of the following types of area, summarise the contrasts between them and explain the implication of these contrasts for social welfare:
o Inner city
o Suburban
o Rural-urban fringe
o Rural settlement
· Discuss the usefulness of at least two population measures (such as birth rate, death rate, fertility rate, infant mortality rate, life expectancy, migration rate and population
density) as indicators of development
Rivers · Assess the relative importance of physical and human causes of river flooding
· ‘Soft engineering is a better river flood management strategy than hard engineering’. Discuss this view
· Channel characteristics such as cross profile, wetted perimeter, hydraulic radius, roughness and efficiency change downstream. Describe and explain how channel characteristics change downstream
· Compare and comment on the economic and social effects of flooding in tow contrasting areas of the world
· Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hard engineering as a flood management strategy
· Describe how and explain why fluvial (river) landforms change downstreamCold Environments · To what extent are more recent developments in cold environments (such as oil, fishing and tourism) sustainable
· To what extent is there conflict between development and sustainability in tundra areas
· Assess the role of meltwater erosion and deposition in the formation of fluvioglacial landforms
· Discuss how a balance may be found between protection and development in Antarctica
· Explain why many cold environments are fragile and how they can be cared for to ensure sustainability
· ‘Antarctica is a fragile wilderness; its use can never be sustainable’. Discuss this view.
· To what extent should cold environments be considered as fragile? How far does this affect their development?
Health · Discuss causes and consequences of periodic famine
· Discuss the impacts of one non-communicable disease
· Discuss issues associated with pharmaceutical transnational corporations regarding research, production and distribution of dugs
· With reference to a local case study, assess the relative importance of age, gender and wealth for the provision of health care
· Discuss the impact of obesity on people’s health and the strategies adopted t care for people with obesity
· ‘Transnational corporations have both negative and positive roles in world health’. Discuss this view.Population change · Examine how population structure changes at different stages of the demographic transition
· Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the demographic transition model
· “For better and for worse?” Discuss how population change can affect the character of rural and urban areas
· Comment on the impact of different population structures on the balance between population and resources
· For any two of the following types of area, summarise the contrasts between them and explain the implication of these contrasts for social welfare:
o Inner city
o Suburban
o Rural-urban fringe
o Rural settlement
· Discuss the usefulness of at least two population measures (such as birth rate, death rate, fertility rate, infant mortality rate, life expectancy, migration rate and population
density) as indicators of development
Social benefits include:
· Creation of a multi-ethnic society increases understanding of other cultures
· There is an influx of new and/or revitalised providers of local services – for example, Turkish baths and local corner shops
· There is a growth of ethnic retailing and areas associated with ethnic food outlets – for example,
the ‘curry mile’ in Rusholme, Manchester.
· There is an influx of new and/or revitalised providers of local services – for example, Turkish baths and local corner shops
· There is a growth of ethnic retailing and areas associated with ethnic food outlets – for example,
the ‘curry mile’ in Rusholme, Manchester.
Political effects include:
· Discrimination against ethnic groups and minorities which may lead to civil unrest and
· Call for controls on immigration
· Entrenchment of attitudes which may encourage
· Call for controls on immigration
· Entrenchment of attitudes which may encourage
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